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Cartoon Explanation or Description
"What will he do with it?" From the New
York Herald
The image depicts the Philippines as an "elephant"
being fed by the U.S. "When a person has acquired something that is of
no use to him and is a constant source of care and expense we say that
he has 'an elephant on his hands.' The artist thinks that the Philippine
Islands is Uncle Sam's 'elephant.' " |
"The Goddess of Liberty heralds the day of
Freedom for Cuba, Porto Rico (sic) and the Philippines." From an old
unknown source.
Depicts "Uncle Sam" relaxing in a chair as the
"Goddess of Liberty" holds an American flag, and Filipino females gazing
at the "Goddess." |
"The Manila incident reflected in the faces
of Europe." From the New York Bee .
Depicts caricature of several countries: "Austria
has a sinister expression; Germany doesn't know what to make of it; England
is pleased; France is surprised; Russia is displeased; and Italy is amazed." |
"A long reach, but his arms are equal to the
emergency." From the Boston Globe .
Depicts "Uncle Sam" standing, with arms encircling
the globe. |
"What will he do? The eyes of the world are
upon him." From the Minneapolis Tribune
Depicts President William McKinley and a "Filipino
boy" standing at the top of a cliff, near a sign saying "To Spain." |
"Something Lacking." From the Minneapolis
Journal .
Depicts "Uncle Sam" saying, "Well, sonny
what is it?" and
"Phil Ippines" asking, "Where do I come in on this?"as
other "children" (Cuba, Puerto Rico) stand by. |
"Ten thousand miles from tip to tip." From
the Philadelphia Press .
Depicts an eagle standing in U.S., its wing span
covering Puerto Rico and the Philippines. |
"Puzzle Picture — Find the Governor of the
Philippines." From the Chicago Journal .
Depicts General Wesley Merritt and U.S. Commodore
George Dewey smoking and sitting on top of Emilio Aguinaldo, who is wearing
a crown, on Luzon. |
"Dewey's eye-opener." From the New
York World .
Depicts Europe stunned by the emergence of a new
superpower after Commodore George Dewey's victory at the Battle of Manila
Bay. |
"Commander-in-chief." From the Washington
Post .
"President McKinley for many years has been represented
as Napoleon, both on account of his remarkable resemblance to the 'little
corporal' and because his successful methods in politics compared with
those of Napoleon in war. He is shown in the above picture in the character
of Napoleon leading the armies of the United States to victory." |
"A Quiet Little Game." From the Philadelpha
Inquirer .
The "poker chips" on the table include Philippines,
Cuba, Ladrona, Carolinas; onlookers include Russia, Italy, Japan, and Germany.
The cartoon's caption: "Chorus - 'I wonder what
card Uncle Sam has in his hand.' " |
"Holding his end up." From the Philadelpha
Inquirer .
Depicts "Uncle Sam" with Puerto Rico, Hawaii,
and Cuba on top of him, Philippines in his right hand, and Ladrone in his
left hand; he is standing on Army and Navy. "The sudden strength displayed
by Uncle Sam was a great surprise to Europe. Even his friend and kinsman,
John Bull [England], did not think him capable of such an athletic performance
as he is giving in the above picture, standing on the firm support of the
army and navy." |
"Overheard in the National Art Gallery." From
the Minneapolis Journal .
Depicts two "Americanized" children (Puerto Rico
and Hawaii) representing the newly acquired colonies of the U.S. admiring
their "step-father", with one child saying: "Porto Rico — 'I
reckon he must be our stepfather — eh, Hawaii?'
The third child "Phil Ippines" [represented in real person by Trinidad-H.
Pardo de Tavera --PAWCI] is absent, busy writing his speech below that
reads: |
see the day near at hand when it shall transpire that George Washington,
will not simply be the glory of the American continent but also our glory,
because he will be the father of the American world, in which we shall
feel ourselves completely united and assimilated."
--Trinidad-Hermenegildo Pardo de Tavera, first
Partido Federal, first Philippine
political party during the American occupation, in his innaugural speech,
February 22, 1901. |
Cartoon from Unknown Source.
Depicts President William McKinley turning down a Filipino begging to
be taken as one of the new "children" of the U.S., together with Cuba,
Hawaii and Puerto Rico, for the main reason that they don't want "another
negro problem." The Filipino in the cartoon represents the PartidoFederal,
led by T-H Pardo de Tavera whose assimilation platform was for a Philippine
U.S. statehood. |
"Hold on there, Dewey! The war is over!" From
the Chicago Journal .
Depicts "Uncle Sam" fighting, with Protocol of
Peace Treaty on ground behind him. "Admiral Dewey in cooperation with the
troops of General Merritt compelled the surrender of the city of Manila
the day after the peace protocol was signed. Uncle Sam could not notify
the fighting admiral in time to prevent him from attacking the Spanish
troops." |
"The much despised 'Yankee pig' - Spanish
version. Quite a factor in international politics nowadays." From the
Inquirer .
"The Spaniards invariably referred to the Americans
as 'Yankee pigs.' In the above cartoon the nations of Europe are viewing
the educated pig who has just finished writing terms of peace — a remarkable
feat for a pig. It will be noticed that the British lion stands apart from
the other European animals." |
"Kill every one over ten." From the New
York Evening Journal ,
May 5, 1902.
Depicts children "over ten" about to be executed
by the American soldiers in retaliation to the Balangiga incident through
the orders of General Jacob "Howling Jake" Smith --to make "the interior
of Samar. . .a howling wilderness."
The cartoon's caption says: "Criminals because
they were born ten years before we took the Philippines." |