Open Chapters
of the War
Like a book, the Philippine-American Wars has
some chapters left open that is difficult to close. Until the questions
are answered, the sad chapters of the history of the war will keep nagging
the present and future generations of Filipinos as well as affect the relationship
between the Philippines and the United States. These
open chapters are:
1. |
Bells of Balangiga: The Bone
of Contention |
2. |
Downplaying the "War" to mere
"Insurrection" |
3. |
Century-old U.S. Silence on
the War Atrocities |
4. |
U.S. PURCHASE of the Philippines
from Spain for $20,000,000 |
Chapter 5. |
U.S. Dismantling of the Sultanate of Sulu |
Chapter 6. |
U.S. Oversight on the Morolands |
Chapter 1. |
Bells of Balangiga: the Bone
of Contention |
American point of view:
"We are not involved in the business of dismantling
memorials to our comrades that have fought in other wars."
— Joe Sestak, a retired U.S. Air
Force colonel who
commands the American Legion in
Filipino point of view:
"The bells signify the heroism of a people
fighting for its independence and sovereignty."
— Angela Mascarinas, producer of
Pintig Cultural Group,
a Chicago-based Philippine-American
cultural group
At left is photo of one of the Bells
of Balangiga taken from the Church of Balangiga, Samar by the American
troops when they conducted their retaliatory expedition after the Balangiga
Incident of September 27, 1901, known in many history books as the Balangiga
Massacre. When Company "C", 9th Infantry Regiment, returned to the
U.S. in 1904, it brought back with them the bells. The bells are
currently on display at the F.E. Warren Air Force in Cheyenne, Wyoming. |
Centennial Questions:
Is it proper to use war booties as memorial to dead
If the U.S. can return the war booties taken from
Japan during World War II, why can't they likewise return the Bells of
Balangiga to their rightful owners -the Philippines?
Where is the consistency in the U.S. policy in dealing
with war booties?
Chapter 2. |
Downplaying "War" to mere "Insurrection" |
Definition of insurrection : a rising up
against duly consituted or established authority.
The downgraded and humiliating title of Philippine
"insurrection" has many possible theories, such as:
The 1899 Philippine Republic headed by Emilio Aguinaldo
was never recognized by any foreign power.
The U.S. War Department downgraded the title of the
war in order to avoid combat pay.
At the beginning of the conflict, it was considered
"war", but as Aguinaldo's forces crumbled and the Filipinos resorted to
guerrilla warfare, the title was changed to "insurrection."
The "automatic" transfer of Philippine insurrection
from Spain to the United States by virtue of the Treaty of Paris on December
10, 1898.
The term "insurgents", an appropriate term when describing
the Filipinos ( insurrectos ) during the Philippine Revolution,
was a 'carried-over' term adopted by the Americans to conveniently describe
the Filipinos dating back to the days of Major-Gen. Wesley Merritt when
he assumed command as the first Military-Governor of the Philippines during
the Spanish-American War of 1898.
The term "insurgent" is an imperialistic way, if
not a racially-prejudiced way, of describing an 'inferior' enemy.
To cover the embarrasment of the United States from
being laughed at by other superpowers for fighting a "rag tag" army?
Centennial Questions:
Which of the above theories is correct?
Was the U.S. considered the "established authority"
when the war broke out on February 4, 1899?
When does "established authority" start? After the
enemy's forces has crumbled and retreated?
Chapter 3. |
Century-old U.S. Silence on
the War Atrocities |
"In substantially every case the report [of
atrocity] has proved to be either unfounded or grossly exaggerated."
— Elihu Root, U.S. Secretary of War
The census figures done by the Spanish authorities
in the late 1890s when the Philippines was acquired by the United States
from Spain indicate a population of roughly 7.9 million Filipinos.
However, in the 1903 census taken by the U.S., a year after the official
closing of the Philippine-American War, the population drastically shrank
to 6.9 million, a reduction of roughly one million.
There are many factors that contributed to the
unaccounted population, such as the war (casualties), evacuation of foreigners,
inaccuracy of the Spanish census (Mindanao areas), and natural calamities
(diseases, famine, typhoon, flood, etc.).
Centennial Questions:
Out of the total unaccounted population of almost
one million, how many were war casualties?
Is the 100-year old U.S. official denial still true
until today?
Chapter 4. |
U.S. PURCHASE of the Philippines
from Spain for $20,000,000 |
Article III of the Treaty of Paris, Dec. 10, 1898,
"The United States will pay Spain the sum
of twenty million dollars within three months after the exchange of the
ratifications of the present treaty."
The Philippine Islands, as a colony of Spain, was
self-sustaining in its revenue during the period prior to the Independence
War. Individual Filipinos were paying their cedula personal
taxes, businesses were paying taxes, and the customs houses were earning
from duties imposed on imports. In return for such revenues, it was expected
of Spain to reinvest the income for its colony's infrastructure (transportation,
communications, water supply, etc.) projects.
Centennial Questions:
Where is the morality behind Spain's desperate act
of selling the Philippines to the U.S. for $20 Million?
As a goodwill to satisfy a claim of sovereignty by
a defeated power?
Because the Protocol of Peace signed a few hours
before the "Sham" Battle of Manila voided the American victory?
As a reimbursement for Spain's infrastructure investment
in the Philippines?
As part of the purchase terms which included the
"assets and liabilities", the Philippines being the "assets" and the insurrection
(previous revolt against Spain) being the "liabilities?"
In the presence of a Philippine Revolutionary Government
when the Treaty of Paris was signed on December 10, 1898 which evolved
into a legitimate First Philippine (Malolos) Republic when the treaty was
ratified by the U.S. Senate on February 6, 1899 , should it not be proper
for the Philippines to recover the $20 Million, including interest, from
Chapter 5. |
U.S. Desmantling of the Sultanate of Sulu |
At the height of the Independence War, the Sultan of Jolo entered into
a treaty of friendship with the Americans without knowing that such Bates-Sultan
Treaty was a only tool of "divide and conquer" strategy of the U.S. When
the Moro Resistance Wars was over, the U.S., afraid that the Sultan of
Sulu might assert is sovereignty claim over the Sulu Archipelago, orchestrated
the Carpenter-Sultan Agreement requiring
the Sultan to reliinquish his Sultanate and other quasi-governmental powers
thereby reducing him to a mere religious symbol of the Muslim people.
Centennial Question:
Was it right for the U.S. to dismantle a centuries-old Sultanate that was
duly revered and respected by the Moro people?
Chapter 6. |
U.S. Oversight on the Morolands |
The Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934 that was passed by the U.S. Congress
provided for the framework of the Philippine Commonwealth Government and
its Constitution and a transition period of ten years after the inauguration
of that government. In the framing of the Constitution by the delegates,
mostly Christians, they failed to incorporate Constitution safeguards for
the retention and protection of the ancestral lands of the Moro people
from homesteadal and commercial exploitation by the majority Christians.
Centennial Question:
Did the U.S. then, possessing veto powers over the Philippines, failed
in its supervisory power to oversee the provisions of the Constitution
that would have guaranteed the interest of the politically and economically
disadvantaged Moro people?
Copyright ©1998.
All rights reserved
Philippine-American War Centennial
Initiative (PAWCI)