Historical Shrines and Markers
Mentioning the names of controversial characters
shrines and markers, although these are historical facts, makes it appear
that Filipinos are paying equal homage to them together with their heroes.
Is it really necessary to mention the names of those who defamed them?
Marker at Site Where War Started
February 5, 1999
President Joseph "Erap" Estrada and Vice President
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo lead the wreath-laying ceremony in front of the
marker at San Juan Bridge, the site where the Filipino-American War started
February 4, 1899, a century ago. In
the historical marker at right, one can read the name "Private William
Grayson", the American sentry who fired the first shot that started the
war. The names of the two Filipino soldiers shot by Grayson will remain
unknown and buried forever in history. (Photo
by Rudy Liwanag)
Lonoy Massacre Shrine 'Rediscovered'
After 41 Years
Photo of the historical marker atLonoy,
Jagna, Bohol placed by the Philippines Historical Committee in 1958to commemorate
the tragic event. The marker's text reads:
" JAGNA MARTYRS - Site of a bloody
encounter between Filipinos and Americans in which 406 die-hard revolutionists
led by Capitan Gregorio 'Goyo' Caseñas perished on Easter Sunday,
1901. The intrepid band dug into grassy trenches intending to ambush the
Americans, but the treachery of Francisco 'Isko' Acala who revealed the
plan to the Americans, resulted instead in the wholesale death [massacre]
of Capitan Goyo and his men. The Americans entered Jagna and burned the
whole town sparing only the church, the convent and a few houses."
Notes :
The italicized word "massacre" does not actually
appear in the marker but only an emphasis by the website author.
The word "revolutionists" in the marker is historically
incorrect because the Filipinos were not in rebellion against the Americans--they
were merely resisting the new occupying forces.
The name "Francisco 'Isko' Alcala" appears in the
Mabini Shrine Then and Now
Apolinario Mabini's house as seen in the early1900s.
It is located along the Pasig River at Nagtahan, near the Malacanang Manila.
He died in this house on May 13, 1903 at the age of 39. |
Mabini Shrine in 1999 with some changes. The
historic house lost is originality after it was painted with greenish-white
color. The addition of a stair canopy is also a major change. |
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Philippine-American War CentennialInitiative